Marshalswick South Focus Team

Councillors, Rod Perks and Allan Witherick working with Andrew Duff MEP and Melvyn Teare for you Learn more

Why structures matter

by awitherick on 27 November, 2010

St Albans City & District Council voted this week to restructure, reducing the number of departments from seven to ten. This will release funding by removal of senior posts and reflects the changes on the ground which are being made to reduce costs while concentrating on delivering services.

The Liberal Democrat controlled council is always evolving to support local residents making the best use of new technologies and opportunities to deliver it’s priorities.

The Council’s Corporate Priorities for 2010/13 are:
• Providing a new leisure centre, pool, spa and youth facilities at Westminster Lodge by 2012 and sports facility in London Colney
• Delivering the District Vision to address future challenges and ensure sustainability
• Continuing to protect and legally defend the Green Belt from additional housing development including meeting the current requirement of 7,200* new houses by 2021, making sure we provide 100 affordable homes annually, averaged over 3 years
• Continuing to provide value for money efficiencies including Council Tax rises of no more than the rate of annual inflation. In 2012, we aim to freeze Council Tax again in line with the Coalition Government’s current policy
• Improving the streetscene and public realm, including with Hertfordshire County Council seeking improvements to highways and pavements
• Making the District even greener and more attractive with an annual District in Bloom project and further improvements to Verulamium Park, lakes and river
• Supporting the provision of smaller scale cinemas including the Odeon and the Maltings to improve facilities for young people
• Extending sustainability, including recycling 60% of all household waste by 2015
• Reducing city centre traffic congestion and the District’s carbon footprint by working with Network St Albans transport partners
• Improving citizen engagement and fulfilling our promise to customers

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