Marshalswick South Focus Team

Councillors, Rod Perks and Allan Witherick working with Andrew Duff MEP and Melvyn Teare for you Learn more

Normandy Road, the good and the bad…

by awitherick on 6 February, 2011

County councillors in St Albans on Thursday condemned the farcical processes employed by the Conservative led county council in identifying roads in need of repair.

Normandy RoadAt a meeting of the Joint Member Panel, which brings together county and district councillors to examine road priorities, a report on four particular roads was produced.
Normandy Road was described as having ‘minor cracks and surface defects with no Cat 1 potholes reported filled in the 12 months prior to the deterioration’.

Batchwood Councillor who represents Normandy Road said: ‘If you’ve walked, driven or cycled along this road you know how bad it is. It’s worth noting that the local highways team has in fact done some extensive repairs to this road despite the fact that we have been told that they should not have done so.
Normandy Road, the good and the bad…
‘For this, local residents can be grateful. But it shows that the team at Highways HQ is wasting its time, our time and worst of all public money in running a computer programme which simply does not work or is being fed with dodgy data.’

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