Marshalswick South Focus Team

Councillors, Rod Perks and Allan Witherick working with Andrew Duff MEP and Melvyn Teare for you Learn more

Helping more people stay independent

by awitherick on 5 April, 2011

A free service for people with physical and/or mental health problems is providing care and support to more and more people.
From the end of May, ‘Hertfordshire Enablement – helping you to keep your independence’, a partnership between Hertfordshire County Council and Goldsborough Home Care will be serving residents in St Albans having been trialled elsewhere in the County.
Any adult who has been referred to the council for ongoing care or support – for example from a hospital or a specialist mental health team – and who meets their eligibility criteria will go through the new service unless they are de-selected by the council. This will only be the case if it is believed that the person will not benefit from the service.
It is expected that 80 per cent of new referrals, whether they are younger people with a disability or older people with a physical or mental health problem, will go through the service.

Within 24 hours of being referred, the aim is to have a package in place for people which will help them stay independent by learning and/or re-learning the skills required for daily living.

The service will be free at the point of delivery for up to six weeks, after which it is expected that many people will have reduced or no care needs in the future.

Liberal Democrat spokesman for Adult Care Allan Siao Ming Witherick, said: “It could be something small, like information and advice.  For some it might be help on the end of the telephone.  For others it will involve physical adaptations in their homes.

In all cases though the key will be helping people to get back on their feet so that they don’t end up going in and out of hospital because they didn’t get the support that they needed.”

As well as improving the quality of life for the individuals supported, more than 200 jobs are being created.
If you are considering a change of career and would like a rewarding job call Goldsborough’s recruitment team on 0844 736 8284 or email [email protected]. Join the Herts enablement team and you too can make a difference to people’s lives.

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