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So have the Liberal Democrats “sold their souls” in Government?

by awitherick on 30 April, 2011

Have they sold their souls?

Turned their back on their principles?

Tackled the issues you really care about?

Sought to make a real difference?

Actually- the Liberal Democrats made a difficult decision:

What was good for the country vs what was good for the party.

Few would say that it was the best for the party, becoming a minority partner in a coalition government.  But it was the only viable option for the country.  Accusations we sold our soul and should’ve joined Labour etc ignores that the Liberal Democrats have never been “Labour Lite” and fails to actually take in to account what we have managed to achieve which would NOT be the case otherwise.

Expecting a full Liberal Democrat manifesto to be delivered from the position of being a minority party would lead to us being accused of holding the country to ransom, leaving a minority government would have resulted in a lack of stability- there’s a reason why there are very few minority governments globally but lots of coalitions.

As to the positives we have achieved, well I’ve pointed out to people “What was the pro  Liberal Democrat Newspaper BEFORE the General Election? What was the one after it? So are you surprised the papers attack us?”  So take the papers with a pinch of salt, they love reporting when we are fighting each other, but not when we are fighting together for the interests of the country.

So why not have a look at this website which helps give an idea of some of what we have achieved:

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