Marshalswick South Focus Team

Councillors, Rod Perks and Allan Witherick working with Andrew Duff MEP and Melvyn Teare for you Learn more

Proposed 20 mph zone in roads in St Albans- Cathedral area

by awitherick on 21 May, 2011

Work towards implementing a 20mph zone around the Cathedral area has started with a consultation to residents.  Although small in scope it is a clear move forward towards a wider roll out.

Liberal Democrat County Councillor Allan Siao Ming Witherick said:

“Whilst this won’t directly benefit all residents in Marshalswick South, we will be watching closely to find out how much of a difference it makes and the costs so that we can then consider whether something similar can be done in our area.

We know that a number of residents have raised concerns and the local Liberal Democrats will be fighting to make our roads safer.”

If you’re in an effected street you should’ve had a letter.

Everyone can find out more, or submit a response at:

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