The Lib Dems in Government have put the brakes on plans to reshape the NHS.
This had lead to a two month period to allow major changes to the plans to ensure they bring real improvements to patients.
These changes should include tough rules to stop private companies cherry picking services and give more say to patients and professionals in how the NHS works.
[the Lib Dems] have been instrumental in forcing a rethink of controversial NHS reform plans
The Observer, 10th April
Local Liberal Democrat County Councillor Allan Siao Ming Witherick who has sat on the County Council Health Scrutiny committee said, “This really shows the difference the Lib Dems are making in Government.
We want to improve the NHS by cutting bureaucracy and by giving more power to patients, doctors and nurses.
The Lib Dems will ensure the NHS continues to be free for all and one of our country’s proudest achievements.”
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