Marshalswick South Focus Team

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Highways – the hidden holes

by awitherick on 28 October, 2012

Lib Dem county councillors have again condemned the County Council’s decision to abolish local decision-making about highways schemes.

Lib Dem Councillor Allan Witherick, who took part in the most recent highways meeting in St Albans, said: “It’s amazing, the Tories tell us we’re getting more powers and an enhanced role for District Councillors, but the reality is far different. I get to influence just 15% of the budget directly.

The remainder of the highways budget is spent on the say so of a single Tory cabinet member who doesn’t even live in the district.”

It’s been pointed out that it is only when councillors take decisions in public that local residents have a real chance to know what they are up to and influence their decisions.

Lib Dem Councillor Anthony Rowlands, also a member of the highways panel, added: “That is why the District Council should wake up and smell the coffee and institute its own highways scrutiny system so that the public aren’t excluded from the process.”

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