Marshalswick South Focus Team

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Why do we care about Europe?

by awitherick on 13 February, 2011

As individuals and as a party we are sometimes asked why do we believe the UK is better in Europe. Well as much as some Euro-sceptics might like to – we can’t pull up anchor and float off to the states! We are part of the Council of Europe (with around 49 other countries) because we are part of the European continent and that’s not going to change any time soon!

When it comes to the European Union though the interesting assumption is that you’re either in the “I think it’s wonderful.” or the “I want us out of it.” camps. Of course, like any club with both benefits and obligations, the answer is somewhere in between.

The difference is that the Liberal Democrats seek to reform it from the inside. That’s why we voted for NO increase in the EU budget in the European Parliament. One could almost think it was the anti-European Union people who wanted to bring yet more negative coverage.

    But where does the money go, what is the real situation?
    Is a “Norwegian” model viable? (Although they pay in to the EU but have no say on how the laws are made…)
    What’s in it for me?

Well this new website might help answer some of the questions:

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