Marshalswick South Focus Team

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Feed the birds…

by awitherick on 5 July, 2011

What is it about loaves that 400g is ghastly expensive but 800g seems to end up being too much for a week?

Use your loaf to imagine…

Take it from someone who lives on their own- toast for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and eggy bread in the evening goes stale- fast!

But how can we eke it out a bit longer so we don’t waste it?

  • The best way to keep bread is in a bread bin and re-sealing the pack. Bread kept in the fridge goes stale six times faster than in a bread bin or cupboard.  (This is due to polymerisation- so it won’t go mouldy as fast but will go stale as the bread cools down- you see, I did learn something visiting the Cavendish Labs in Cambridge University!)
  • Even if your bread goes stale it still makes great toast. (Or in my case eggy/fried bread- although probably not the healthiest option…)
  • Freezing bread, as well as bagels, crumpets and pitta breads, means you can toast them straight from the freezer or make frozen bread sandwiches that will defrost by lunchtime.
  • Leftover bread can be used to make other dishes, like bread pudding.
  • If you don’t fancy leftovers yourself, why not feed the birds?

There are lots of other random ideas on about how to make more of your bread, saving you time and money.

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